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Short Scar Facelift

Performed by Dr. Elliott in Atlanta GA

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I’m 61 and for awhile now I’ve been trying to get up enough courage to do something about my “neck”. So, I asked my doctor if she knew a “great” plastic surgeon. Without hesitation, she said, “absolutely the best is Dr. Franklyn Elliott. He’s the plastic surgeon I’d recommend.” I knew after my consultation visit with Dr. Elliott that I was ready and confident about having a facelift. It’s been 3 months since my surgery, and I never pass up looking in a mirror, like I did before. I really get a kick from people saying: “have you done something different with your hair?”, “did you loose weight?”, “you don’t look 61″, etc. Of course, it’s all about how fantastic I look! So, how do you wipe years from your face, and still look so natural? Well, for me, it’s because of Dr. Elliott. Thanks to him and his entire staff, the experience and outcome was more than worth it!!!  —B

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For patients who are beginning to notice signs of aging with moderate laxity in the neck and jowl, a short scar facelift is a feasible option to lift cheeks, reduce jowls, lessen lower eyelid prominence, and soften nasolabial folds. Likened to a mini-facelift, short scar facelifts are administered under local anesthesia with no lengthy recovery time required.

A signature technique of Dr. Franklyn Elliott, he performs the less invasive surgery by repositioning skin and soft tissues of the face affected by the aging process. The main difference between short scar and “traditional” facelifts is the significance of the remaining scar. Traditionally, scars are hidden in the face’s creases and hairline behind the ear. However, this type of scarring is completely eliminated by the short scar facelift, which uses small incisions in temporal hair, extending downward in front of the ear lobe, to rejuvenate the face.

Because we all age differently, there is no definite, ideal age group for a short scar facelift. Rather, it is important to evaluate whether aging has gone as far to produce an excess amount of neck skin, in which case a traditional facelift may be required. With his specialized knowledge of the short scar facelift, Dr. Elliott achieves the objectives of facial rejuvenation: safety, noticeable enhancement, maintenance of a natural look, and a short, manageable recovery period.

When you come to Atlanta Plastic Surgery, Dr. Elliott will spend time with you during your consultation evaluating your face, skin laxity, medical history, and cosmetic goals to properly recommend procedures in line with your aesthetic objectives and make sure all of your questions are answered.


To learn more about facelifts and other cosmetic procedures, contact his office today to schedule a consultation.

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