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Neck Lift Surgery

Performed by Dr. Elliott in Atlanta GA

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One of the most common areas where patients see unwanted signs of aging is the neck and throat area. This often happens naturally with age, but can also be impacted by heredity, environmental conditions, and stress. For patients who are happy with their facial appearance but have sagging skin or excess fat in the chin and neck, a neck lift can rejuvenate their appearance.

A neck lift, or lower rhytidectomy, can vary depending on the patient’s aesthetic goals. Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott may utilize liposuction to remove excess fat in the neck, especially in patients who have a “double chin.” The procedure can also involve the removal of excess skin using an incision around the ear or concealed in the lower hairline, and may also include tightening the neck muscles to create added definition and youthful tone.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can a neck lift be combined with other procedures?
There are many plastic surgery procedures that are often combined with a neck lift, in part because they address other concerns that are frequent in neck lift patients. A neck lift accompanied by chin augmentation can help to add youthful definition, while a brow lift or eyelid surgery can also be combined with a neck lift to provide an even more rejuvenated appearance.

How long will my neck lift results last?
While the results of a neck lift are not necessarily temporary, patients should note that the procedure cannot stop the aging process. In other words, while a neck lift restores a substantially more youthful appearance, the natural aging process will continue over time.

What can I do to help my recovery go more smoothly?
One of the most important ways you can help your procedure and recovery is, if you smoke, to quit smoking. It is also important to avoid unnecessary twisting or bending of your head after your procedure. However, do not apply ice to the neck during your recovery, as this can compromise blood flow.

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