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Rhinoplasty (Nose Surgery)

Performed by Dr. Elliott in Atlanta GA

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The nose holds the “front and center” position on the face, so those who are unhappy with their nose understandably feel that it diminishes the aesthetics of their face. For some patients, nose surgery (also known as rhinoplasty) may be able to give their nose a shape that complements their facial features, rather than detracts from them. Among other nasal maladies, rhinoplasty can effectively enhance noses that are asymmetrical or impede facial balance, as well as those with bumps or depressions, excessive or insufficient size, or a disproportioned nasal tip or nostrils.

The procedure begins with incisions that are typically made inside the nostrils themselves, or occasionally in the tissue that separates the nostrils. Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott is then able to reshape the structural tissue of the nose toward the patient’s desired results. Depending on the aesthetic goals of the surgery, Dr. Elliott may remove some bone or cartilage, or may augment the structure of the nose using cartilage grafts from the septum, ear, or ribs if necessary.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can rhinoplasty repair breathing hindrances?
Rhinoplasty is effective in correcting a number of breathing problems, including a deviated septum and structural breathing obstructions. For patients who desire both breathing correction and cosmetic results, the procedure can include both aspects.

Am I a good candidate for rhinoplasty?
Rhinoplasty patients are those who are unsatisfied with their nose for cosmetic or breathing-related reasons. Because the structure of the face and nose continues to grow and change with age, patients who achieve the best rhinoplasty results are those whose procedure takes place after they have reached physical maturity and have reached an age at which their face is no longer growing.

What are the potential complications of rhinoplasty?
Every surgery has a risk of complications, such as infection or bleeding. A very rare complication of rhinoplasty is nasal septal perforation (a hole in the septum), which is typically corrected through a follow-up surgery.

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