The Unique Advantages of Fat Transfer For The Face

Fat transfer injections are more in-demand than ever before, largely due to their ability to rejuvenate areas all over the face and body. While fat transfer may be considered a body contouring procedure by some, I have seen firsthand the incredible results that it can provide patients who wish to refresh the appearance of their face. Fat transfer can help patients address common signs of facial aging including lost volume in the cheeks and lips. I wanted to discuss fat transfer injections today and their unique advantages for patients.

For some patients, fat transfer injections can serve as a highly effective and completely natural alternative to other cosmetic injectable treatments. Fat transfer can help address deep grooves and lines around the nose and edges of the mouth. It can also help plump up the cheeks and lips for patients who experience a “sunken” or flattened appearance in these areas. Because fat transfer uses fat from the patient’s own body during treatment, patients can enjoy the added bonus of liposuction fat removal from areas with stubborn or persistent fat deposits. The fat is safely purified before being injected.

In the video below, I go into more detail on fat transfer injections for the face and the benefits this procedure is able to provide for patients:

Fat transfer injections provide patients yet another excellent and dependable facial rejuvenation treatment alternative. However, this procedure may not be right for everyone and it’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon with experience performing fat transfer before making any final decisions. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Don’t forget to follow along with me on Facebook for additional plastic surgery videos, tips, news, and much more.