The Risk of the Pedicle TRAM vs DIEP Flap

There is nothing more important to me as a board-certified plastic surgeon than the health and safety of my patients. While helping people improve their self-esteem and achieve the long-lasting aesthetic results that they desire is obviously something I care deeply about, safety remains my number one priority. And part of this is helping prospective patients understand the potential risks associated with whatever cosmetic or reconstructive procedures they are interested in undergoing. Today, I wanted to discuss breast reconstruction surgery with the pedicle TRAM flap and the DIEP flap, as well as the risks associated with both procedure methods.

For years, there has been a misconception that the TRAM flap method for breast reconstruction may pose a greater risk of complications for the abdominal wall than the DIEP flap method. However, as someone who has been performing this procedure using the TRAM flap method since the earliest stages of its development, this simply has not been the case in my experience. The truth is that when performed by an experienced plastic surgeon with considerable knowledge of his or her preferred technique, the risk for both the abdominal area and breasts, is very low.

In the following video, I go into more detail on these two methods for breast reconstruction and their risk profile:

I hope that my readers found this information comforting. With any cosmetic or reconstructive surgery comes some degree of risk. But finding an experienced and trustworthy professional is the best way to minimize this risk and enjoy the best possible surgical experience and results. For more information on breast reconstruction surgery or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow along with me on Facebook for additional plastic surgery videos, tips, news, and much more.