What to Expect During Your Mommy Makeover Recovery

Mommy-Makeover-Plastic-SurgeryIn my many years experience of performing cosmetic surgery procedures, one of the most common sources of uncertainty and anxiety among prospective patients is the post-surgery recovery period. No one wants to deal with an extended period of soreness and bed rest, especially when they could be out showing off their fantastic new plastic surgery results. However, this recovery period is vitally important to achieving and maintaining the best, longest-lasting results.

This is especially true in the case of combination procedures like a mommy makeover. During a mommy makeover, I combine liposuction, a tummy tuck, and a cosmetic breast procedure (breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction) to help my patient achieve comprehensive and outstanding body contouring results. Due to the complex nature of this procedure, patients need to be extra cautious about doing too much too fast that could negatively affect their results.

A woman’s expected recovery period following a mommy makeover can depend on several factors including her body’s natural ability to heal as well as the specific procedures that were included in her surgery. However, some things will be part of the mommy makeover recovery period regardless. For instance, I instruct all mommy makeover patients to wear a compression garment following their surgery to reduce post-surgical swelling and promote good healing. Most patients should expect at least two weeks away from work and other daily activities (including exercise, childcare, etc.) to rest and recover at home. Heavy lifting (including lifting children) should be avoided at this time. I take time during all mommy makeover consultation appointments to clearly explain what each individual patient may experience during her recovery.

It’s important to remember that patience is crucial during your mommy makeover recovery. Patients can’t expect to see their finished results immediately after surgery, or even after their initial recovery period has ended. For some people, it can take weeks to feel fully like yourself again and months before all surgery-related bruising and swelling has faded. It’s important to stay optimistic and maintain a good attitude about your surgery in the meantime. In my experience, the final results you achieve will be more than worth the wait.

A mommy makeover may not be right for everyone, but for women who are good candidates for the procedure, it can be an outstanding way to turn back the clock and achieve a more fit, younger figure. For more information on the mommy makeover or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, at Atlanta Plastic Surgery today. Don’t forget to follow along with me on Facebook and Twitter for additional plastic surgery tips, news, and much more.