3 Body Contouring Procedures that Help with Excess Skin
Congratulations! Through your hard work and dedication, you’ve reached your goal weight. Once the pounds are shed, you deserve to celebrate the new you without any hang ups. A common frustration seen by board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott is excess skin after significant weight loss. In many cases, excess skin cannot be removed by even the most diligent of diet and exercise plans. Because of this, it’s often best to seek the help of an experienced surgeon. Below, find three popular procedures that post-weight loss patients often seek to achieve the toned, tightened results they desire.
Tummy Tuck: Tummy tuck surgery removes fat and excess skin in the lower abdominal region to provide a smoother, leaner physique. Also known as abdominoplasty, Dr. Elliott performs this procedure with a small incision across the lower abdomen, easily hidden by a bathing suit or underwear. If necessary, the abdominal muscles can be tightened. “Mini” tummy-tuck procedures are suitable for individuals who have minimal fat and excess skin, but do not address weakened or separated abdominal muscles. Tummy tucks provide notable long-term results in post-weight loss patients.
- Arm Lift: Excess arm skin left after weight loss can be difficult to conceal, leaving you self-conscious about wearing clothing and bathing suits. With arm lift surgery, Dr. Elliott carefully makes an incision towards the back of the arm to minimize scarring. The size of the scar is dependent on the area that needs to be removed. Dr. Elliott will discuss how much improvement you can expect with each option and where the scar will be located. Results after arm lift surgery, also known as brachioplasty, are long-lasting but continuing the healthy lifestyle maintained during your weight loss lifestyle change is encouraged to maintain optimal results.
- Thigh Lift: Another place that excess skin lingers is the thighs. The best candidates for thigh lifts, which removes excess skin and tissue from the inner and/or outer thighs to create tightened proportions, are those who are at a stabilized weight. When you reach your weight loss goals, thigh lifts are a great method of body contouring to bring overall balance to your body.
For more information on body contouring procedures, please contact us today. Be sure to stay updated on the latest plastic and reconstructive news by following us on Facebook, Twitter, and Google +.