Why Do I Prefer the TRAM Flap Over the DIEP Flap for Breast Reconstruction?
Like any other plastic surgery procedure, breast reconstruction surgery is not a one-size-fits-all proposition. The procedure can be performed in many different ways depending on what the patient and their plastic surgeon agree is best. Even when breaking it down further into reconstruction procedures that use the patient’s own natural tissue instead of breast implants (autologous breast reconstruction), there are different methods to consider. Today, I wanted to take a moment to discuss my personal preferred flap option in these cases, breast reconstruction using the TRAM Flap.
TRAM flap vs DIEP flap reconstruction is a very common conversation during breast reconstruction consultation appointments. And while I understand why these two procedure methods that both use abdominal tissue to help rebuild the breast get conflated, there are important differences to consider. One reason I personally prefer to use the TRAM flap method is that unlike with the DIEP flap, it can be performed immediately as part of the mastectomy or other breast cancer surgery. This means that the patient will only need one procedure, and not have the need for multiple surgeries. The TRAM flap procedure also takes considerably less time, yet still produces incredible, often life-changing results.
In the video below, I go into more detail on the TRAM flap versus the DIEP flap method for breast reconstruction and why I often recommend it to my patients:
As with any other procedure, the best option for breast reconstruction is the one that helps my patient achieve the best possible result and feel the most satisfied about their new appearance. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation appointment, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow along with me on Facebook for additional tips, videos, news, and more.