How Young is Too Young for Breast Augmentation?
It’s normal for women to be unsatisfied with the size or volume of their breasts. That’s why breast augmentation is the most commonly-performed cosmetic surgery procedure in the US. During the procedure, breast implants are inserted into the breasts to help increase the size and improve the shape of the breasts. However, breast augmentation surgery isn’t necessarily right for everyone. Some prospective patients may be too young for a breast augmentation.
Although every woman develops differently, I believe that women should wait until their adult years before seriously considering breast augmentation. It’s important to wait until the breasts have had time to fully grow and develop. This is why I typically will not recommend this procedure for any woman under the age of 18. However, there can be exceptions. For instance, breast augmentation may be able to provide a solution for women under 18 who experience breast asymmetry (one breast considerably larger than the other). In these cases, I will meet with the patient and her parents during a breast augmentation consultation appointment to discuss the available options and determine an appropriate treatment plan.
In the following video, I discuss breast augmentation surgery and when it is appropriate for younger patients:
Determining if plastic surgery is right for you takes a significant amount of time, research, and consideration. Especially for younger patients. So, do your due diligence and find an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon that you can trust to guide you towards the best, safest, and most beneficial choices. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for additional cosmetic surgery news, videos, and more.