Ask Dr. Elliott: Common Liposuction Questions

For patients considering undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure, there is a lot to know. What can this procedure do? Am I a good candidate? What kind of recovery should I expect? These simple questions are really just the tip of the iceberg. So to help prospective patients who are curious about liposuction surgery, I have taken some time to answer a few common questions on what it can do.

Question #1: Can liposuction help treat male breast enlargement?

In some cases, yes it can. For men who have excess fat in their chest area that causes the appearance of male breasts (or man boobs), liposuction can be used to remove this fat and provide a flatter, more masculine chest contour. However, men who experience true gynecomastia that is caused by excess tissue (and not fat) in the chest area will require male breast reduction surgery, which removes this tissue, to achieve the results they desire.

Question #2: What areas can be treated with liposuction?

Liposuction is the most versatile of all cosmetic procedures. When performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, liposuction can help remove unwanted fat from nearly any area of the body (as long as the area has enough fat to be safely removed). Although it is most commonly associated with the abdominal area, liposuction is also very common in areas of the back, the upper arms, thighs, face, and the neck to treat the appearance of a “double chin”.

Question #3: How long will it take to see the results from my liposuction procedure?

The fat that is removed during liposuction will be gone immediately following the completion of surgery. However, it will take some time to see the final results due to standard post-surgical swelling. Results will improve and become more visible in the weeks following the procedure, but it can take months in some cases for the final results of liposuction to appear.

Patient education is a responsibility that I take seriously. That’s why I’m always happy to take the time to answer whatever questions patients have in order to better understand their plastic surgery options. If you are curious about liposuction and have any questions of your own, don’t hesitate to contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for additional cosmetic surgery tips, news, and more.