How Long Will My Breast Implants Last?

For women who are contemplating breast enhancement, there is a lot to know before undergoing surgery. A breast augmentation procedure provides patients with many options to choose from including the size, shape, look, feel, and texture of their new breast implants. And while having the freedom to choose is nice, it requires a considerable amount of time and consideration. One of the most common questions I receive from patients during a breast augmentation consultation is how long their breast implants will last. The answer is a complicated one that depends on several factors.

Regardless of which type or size of breast implant you ultimately select, implants are very durable, safe, and mean to be long-lasting. However, it’s important to remember that “long-lasting” isn’t meant to mean “forever”. Through normal everyday activities, the implants may begin to move and shift within the body over time. This often leads to natural wear and tear that can eventually wear down and degrade the implants as the years go on. Natural aging or weight fluctuation can also affect the appearance of the breasts in the years following augmentation surgery. Although breast implant complications are quite rare, the risk of developing certain complications like capsular contracture or implant rippling do slightly increase every year after your breast augmentation surgery.

For patients who have issues with their breast implants or simply wish to have their current implants replaced or removed, I perform breast revision surgery. Breast revision surgery can help those patients who experience complications like capsular contracture or those who simply prefer a change in breast size following their breast augmentation. For more information on breast implants and how long you can expect them to last, check out the video below:

It’s important for breast augmentation patients to schedule follow-up appointments with their board-certified plastic surgeon to ensure their implants are maintaining their peak condition and appearance. If you feel you may be experiencing an implant-related complication, it’s important to consult with your surgeon in a timely manner. For more information on breast implants or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. And follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for even more plastic surgery videos, tips, news, and more.