Rejuvenation from the Neck Down

One of the common reasons patients seek cosmetic surgery is to combat the signs of aging. With all the information we have about staying healthier for longer, many patients find that even though they still feel young and energetic, their outward appearance does not match. Most people work to resolve this by trying to minimize the impact that aging has had on the face. This is an understandable approach—after all, our face is often the first thing that others notice about us, and it is frequently exposed regardless of what we wear. However, all it takes is a dissatisfied look in the mirror to remind us that aging happens to our entire body, and that having an appearance that matches how we feel involves paying attention to what’s below the neck as well.

happy couple (small)One area where gravity tends to take a toll is the underside of the upper arm. Between the loss of skin elasticity with age and weight fluctuations throughout life, many patients find that their arms have loose and sagging skin that hangs down from the upper arm. For these patients, an arm lift procedure can take years off their appearance and help them to once again feel more confident in their appearance—especially while wearing short sleeves during the summer months. There are 3 general ways to improve the upper arms, depending on the physical findings as well as patient’s desired results—liposuction only, skin excision only, or a combination of both. In some patients who have minimally sagging skin, only liposuction is needed to improve the contour of the arm. For those with more skin to be removed, an incision either in the armpit or down the back of the arm may be indicated, depending on the amount and location of the skin to be removed, the amount of scarring a patient allows, and the amount of enhancement the patient wants. In many patients, I use a combination of liposuction and skin excision to create a more contoured and toned shape. In all of these cases, the goal is to achieve a balance between the amount of scarring, the physical findings and the desired result.

For both men and women, the chest is another area of concern that can make patients feel that their body looks older than they feel. For women, a breast lift procedure can restore a more youthful appearance to the chest. While some patients choose to implement breast augmentation with their breast lift, this procedure most often does not involve a change to the size of the breast, but simply raises the breast to a more youthful and “perky” position. For men, excess fat and lax skin in the chest area can create the appearance of breasts. Male breast reduction surgery can remove the unwanted tissue to give the chest a more contoured and rejuvenated shape.

Finally, the abdomen is a third area where patients are affected by aging. The loss of skin elasticity and muscle tone can occur naturally with age, and for some women, the tummy area is further affected by pregnancy and weight fluctuations. For these patients, a tummy tuck can provide significant rejuvenation for the midsection. This procedure varies based on the individual patient’s needs, but can involve a combination of liposuction, muscle repair, removal of excess skin, and tightening the remaining skin, a tummy tuck can give the abdomen a firmer and younger appearance while only leaving a scar that can be easily concealed by normal undergarments.

As a board certified plastic surgeon, I am honored to have worked with many patients to help them achieve a younger appearance that matches their fresh and energetic feel. Each patient has unique needs and concerns, and for some, the best way to achieve their aesthetic goals is through a combination of the procedures above or other plastic surgery options. The first step is to consider scheduling a consultation with me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, to discuss how you would like to enhance and rejuvenate your appearance, and stay up-to-date on our procedures and technologies through Facebook, Twitter, and Google+.