Proficiency May Minimize Risk of Breast Implant Complications

The American Society for Aesthetic Plastic Surgery (ASAPS) reports that in 2012 330,000 breast augmentation procedures were performed. Breast augmentation, the most popular cosmetic plastic surgery procedure elected by women, increases the size and volume of the breast and can also be used to restore breast fullness after post-bariatric surgery, weight loss or pregnancy.  As with all cosmetic and reconstructive surgeries, there are slight risks of patients developing post-operative complications.  Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott has a specialized interest in developing new cosmetic surgery techniques to provide patients with optimal results while also minimizing risks of breast implant-related complications.breast implants

Breast augmentation requires the insertion of either a silicone or saline-filled implant to increase the breast fullness and volume.  Dr. Elliott offers his patients FDA-approved breast implants in various sizes, textures and shapes to help patients achieve natural-looking results.  One of the most common implant complications is capsular contracture.  When a foreign object is placed into the body, scar tissue (fibrous capsule) forms around the foreign object as a natural response that occurs to all breast augmentation patients.  However, capsular contracture occurs when the scar tissue built up around the implant contracts and tightens, causing the implant to look and feel unnaturally hard.  In some rare cases, deflation may occur, causing implants to sink or become off-centered.  Typically, this is in response to an implant rupture or leak due to the development of capsular contracture or from injury/trauma.

Dr. Elliott has performed over 2,000 breast augmentation procedures and has gained great proficiency through continuous research and implementation of the latest plastic surgery technologies.  Additionally, Dr. Elliott is committed to providing efficient results and reduced implant-related risk to his patients.  For patients who are no longer satisfied with their results or who have experienced an implant-related complication, Dr. Elliott performs breast revision to remedy their concerns and restore the appearance of the breast.

To minimize the risk of complications, it’s imperative to find a surgeon who is board-certified in plastic and reconstructive surgery and has extensive training with the procedure you are interested in having.  Dr. Elliott will thoroughly discuss the technique being used, proper post-operative care as well as answer any questions you may have during your breast surgery consultation.

For more information on breast augmentation or other procedures that Dr. Elliott offers, please contact us today to schedule a consultation.  Be sure to also connect with Dr. Elliott on Facebook, Twitter and Google+ to stay up-to-date on all the latest plastic and reconstructive surgery news.