How to Find the Right Breast Implant Size for Your Needs

Among all the plastic surgery procedures that I perform, breast augmentation may be the most highly customizable for patients. During the pre-surgery consultation phase, patients have a considerable amount of freedom when it comes to the breast implants that will be used during the procedure. But with this freedom comes a series of important decisions that need to be made. Chief among them, what size breast implants will be able to best help them achieve the new breast contour they desire.

When patients ask me which breast implant size would be best for their needs, I often remind them that “best” is a very subjective term. The truth is that every patient is different and what may be the ideal choice for one woman may very well not be appealing to the next. This is why I take plenty of time during a breast augmentation consultation to discuss the patient’s unique aesthetic goals, while also considering their body type to help provide the most helpful alternatives possible. It’s important for women to select breast implants that will offer the increase in breast size that they want, while maintaining a proportional and balanced figure.

In the following video, I explain how larger breast implants may work for some breast augmentation patients, but not others:

Much like any other cosmetic surgery, the key to achieving outstanding, long-lasting results is finding an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your procedure. During your consultation, ask to see before and after photos from previous breast augmentations they have performed to get a better idea of the final results you can possibly expect from your surgery. If you would like to learn more about breast augmentation or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for additional plastic surgery videos, tips, news, and more.