Why I Would Not Recommend Plastic Surgery Tourism

Cost is a considerable concern for many prospective plastic surgery patients. This is a major reason why more and more patients are traveling abroad to have their cosmetic procedure done. This practice, known as plastic surgery tourism, has become popular in recent years for people trying to cut down on the cost of their surgery. However, the risks of plastic surgery tourism often far exceed the rewards in my opinion. If you’re considering plastic surgery tourism, I would personally advise against it for the following reasons:

traveling out of the country for plastic surgery - read this firstPotentially Lower Safety Standards

Although some cosmetic procedures can seem minor in nature, cosmetic surgery is still surgery. Safety is a major factor that simply cannot be ignored. Unfortunately, the safety standards and precautions taken during surgery in some other countries are often lower than we would feel comfortable with back home. This can mean the use of unsterile equipment or surgical tools during your procedure or other potentially serious health hazards. Additionally, exposure to certain foreign bacteria that your body does not have the necessary antibodies to fight can make you more susceptible to certain post-surgery complications.

Lack of Access For Follow-Ups

Follow-up appointments are very important after any cosmetic surgery procedure. These appointments allow your surgeon to confirm that you are recovering properly and not experiencing any complications from your procedure. However, undergoing plastic surgery abroad can make it virtually impossible to meet with your plastic surgeon during your recovery and in the years down the road.

It’s Better to Recover at Home

The post-surgery recovery period is crucial for healing and achieving the best-possible final results from your cosmetic procedure. I want my patients to recover from the comfort of their own homes and not to be stressed during their recovery. The long-distance air travel associated with plastic surgery tourism can negatively affect your recovery (and results) and open you up to certain complications by altering your blood flow.

The truth is, while plastic surgery tourism may seem like a good way to save some cash in the short-term, the long-term costs and risks associated with this practice make it hard to justify for many patients. If you’re looking for a trusted, board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your procedure, I recommend starting your search locally. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, at Atlanta Plastic Surgery. Don’t forget to follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional cosmetic surgery tips, news, videos, and more.