Tips for a Smooth Breast Lift Recovery

For patients who wish to achieve and maintain a perkier, more youthful breast contour with breast lift surgery, the post-surgery recovery period is an incredibly important time. Your journey to excellent, long-lasting aesthetic results from your breast lift does not end when your surgery does. Every patient is different, and no two surgeries and recoveries are the same. Still, in my experience, patients who are aware of the more universal truths about breast lift recovery will have an easier time physically and emotionally recovering from their procedure. I have provided a few tips that can help any patient have a smooth and simple recovery from their breast lift.

Ask Dr. Elliott What is the Difference Between a Breast Reduction and Breast LiftFollow Post-Surgical Instructions Closely

After all, these instructions exist for a reason. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, I have been helping guide breast lift patients through their recoveries for over 25 years. I base my post-care instructions for each patient I see on their personal needs as well as the specific details of their procedure.

Don’t Push Yourself Too Hard

While it’s important for you to move around during your recovery to help get your blood flowing and lower your risk for blood clots, make sure not to push yourself too hard too fast. During your first week of recovery, it is important to avoid bending over, heavy lifting, or performing any strenuous activities that can put unnecessary pressure on your chest area. This can affect the healing process and cause unwanted complications.

Take Your Pain Medication

While the amount of pain medication needed can vary depending on the specifics of your surgery as well as your personal pain threshold, it’s important to be honest with yourself and take advantage of the resources available to you. Allowing yourself to be in more pain than you need to be can actually raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for certain complications. So if you need meds to help manage your post-surgery pain, don’t hesitate to take them.

Don’t Forget Your Follow-Up Appointments

Whether any problems arise or not, it is important to keep your follow-up appointments while recovering from your breast lift. Follow-up appointments with your plastic surgeon can be a great way to monitor your results and make sure your recovery is going well. Don’t hesitate to bring up any concerns or ask any questions you may have during your recovery period.

While I want my patients to be positive and optimistic about their procedures, it’s also important to keep reasonable expectations and understand that it will take time for the final results of your breast lift to show. In the meantime, take your recovery seriously and be patient. The initial days and weeks following your surgery are critical to the long-term results you hope to achieve. If you would like to learn more about cosmetic surgery or schedule your plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, today. And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more plastic surgery tips, news, pictures, and more.