Chin Augmentation Options: Implant vs Injection

What does it mean for a chin to look “weak”? While there may not be a formal definition of this term, it’s natural for a person’s chin to begin to recede and lose volume over time. In many cases, people are born with a receding chin that can make them feel self-conscience about their appearance. This is why I perform chin augmentation. To help provide my patients with alternatives for how to achieve the new chin they desire, I perform chin augmentation in a couple different ways. I have detailed these methods below to help prospective patients better understand their options.

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Chin Augmentation with an Implant

Chin augmentation using an implant is traditionally how the procedure is performed. A chin implant can be effective for helping patients who really lack volume in the chin area. During the procedure, I will make an incision either inside the lower lip or in the skin just under the chin. I then carefully create a pocket and insert a chin implant that is made from synthetic materials that are compatible with human tissue. I take time during chin surgery consultations to discuss the various available implant sizes and shapes to help each patient decide on the ideal implant for their unique needs.

 Chin Augmentation with Injectable Treatments

For patients who would prefer to pursue a non-surgical approach to chin augmentation, I can also rejuvenate the appearance of the chin with dermal facial filler injections. This approach can help patients who want to achieve more chin volume and definition but may not want to go through with surgery and the downtime for recovery associated with it. This can also be a good alternative for patients who are interested in chin augmentation surgery but may not be ready for a procedure just yet. I often recommend hyaluronic acid-based facial fillers to help enhance the features of the chin.

While it’s always nice to have options, it’s understandable why these alternatives can sometimes create a difficult decision for certain patients. However, in my personal experience, I generally find that having more options allows my patients to find the procedure that can most precisely treat their specific aesthetic concern. Choosing between a chin implant or injectable treatments depends entirely on each patient’s personal preference and needs. For more information on chin augmentation or to schedule your plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, at Atlanta Plastic Surgery. You can also follow me on Facebook and Twitter for additional cosmetic surgery tips, videos, news, and more.