3 Reasons Winter is a Perfect Time for Cosmetic Surgery

I often hear from prospective patients who are curious to know when the best time is to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure. The truth is that every patient is different and what is best for some may not be for others. The correct answer to the question is “whenever works best for your schedule and needs.” However, the winter season does provide some unique advantages for plastic surgery patients. Allow me to explain why this winter can be the perfect time to undergo a cosmetic surgery procedure.

3 Reasons Winter is a Perfect Time for Cosmetic SurgeryExcess Downtime Available

Regardless of the cosmetic procedure you are considering, there will be some downtime necessary for recovery. The winter holidays can provide additional time off that other seasons simply cannot match. For professionals who are concerned about missing work after their surgery, the additional vacation days around winter holidays can provide the recovery days you need to recover without the need to take too many additional days off.

A Chance to Shed Extra Holiday Weight

Everyone loves holiday dinners, but it can be difficult to keep extra weight off this time of year. Body contouring procedures like liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, and arm lift surgery can be ideal for patients who want to shed this excess fat and look their very best for the start of the new year.

Great Recovery Conditions

The cooler winter months also offer the ideal conditions to promote a smooth, healthy recovery from cosmetic surgery. Discretion is a top priority among many patients that I work with. The colder temperatures allow for looser, bulkier clothing that can effectively conceal swelling and bruising that occurs during your recovery period. Additionally, it’s best for patients to avoid strong, direct sunlight after plastic surgery and the winter can certainly help in this regard.

This winter can be the perfect time to rejuvenate your appearance with the help of cosmetic surgery. If you’re considering plastic surgery and think you might be ready, I advise beginning your process by consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon like myself. For more information or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for additional plastic surgery tips, videos, news, and more.