Ask Dr. Elliott: What to Know Before Arm Lift Surgery?

Although they may not be the first feature that people think of when trying to rejuvenate their appearance, the arms can be a source of considerable frustration and self-consciousness for many people. It’s common for excess, sagging skin (as well as pockets of stubborn fat) on the arms to appear as a result of weight fluctuation, gravity, or natural aging. Arm lift surgery (or brachioplasty) can help trim away this excess, loose skin and safely remove stubborn fat deposits to create a slimmer arm contour. To help patients understand more clearly how this unique body contouring procedure can help them reduce upper arm sagging, I have answered a few common questions about arm lift surgery.

Ask Dr. Elliott What to Know Before Arm Lift SurgeryQuestion #1: What incision area would you personally recommend for an arm lift?

There are three primary locations where an incision may be made during an arm lift, including the armpit, lengthwise along the front side of the arm, and lengthwise along the back side of the arm. Choosing which incision location is most appropriate for each patient depends on the amount of excess skin that needs to be removed as well as where it’s located. During your arm lift consultation, we will discuss the different incision methods and determine which one is best for you.

Question #2: Can an arm lift be combined with other cosmetic procedures?

Absolutely. As long as you are in good enough physical and mental health, an arm lift can be combined with other cosmetic surgery procedures to achieve even more comprehensive aesthetic results. For patients who have lost a significant amount of weight in the past, loose, excess skin can appear elsewhere on the body, like the abdomen, thighs, back, and breasts. Combining additional body contouring procedures like liposuction or a tummy tuck into one surgery can often be very beneficial. However, you must discuss this with your plastic surgeon during your pre-surgery consultation to determine if combining procedures is the right approach for you.

Question #3: How much recovery time is usually needed after an arm lift?

Although this can vary depending on the patient and the specific details of their surgery, generally 1 – 2 weeks of recovery time are needed after an arm lift before returning to work. I advise my arm lift patients to try to get some light exercise (like easy walking) during their first week of recovery and to avoid activities that raise your blood pressure, as this can cause bleeding at the operative site. You should avoid exercises and movements that directly stress the area of your incision for 4 weeks after your arm lift. Heavy lifting, contact sports, and jogging are typically safe 6 weeks after surgery.

I hope you found these answers informative and helpful. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon, I take pride in helping my patients by answering any questions they may have about their potential cosmetic surgery options. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Frank Elliott and follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for more cosmetic surgery tips, photos, news, and more.