What is My Recovery Timeframe After Breast Augmentation?

Before a patient decides to undergo breast augmentation surgery, it’s important to me that they understand exactly what they are getting into. This includes the details of their surgery and their potential results, as well as the specific timeframe of their recovery period. Despite the fact that breast augmentation is the most commonly-performed cosmetic surgery procedure in the US, there is still much that many patients may not know about this surgery. Mainly, it’s important to understand that your journey to outstanding, long-lasting results does not end when your procedure is over.

Because breast augmentation is so customizable as far as the size, shape, and type of implants used during surgery, the post-surgery recovery period can vary. However, some things are universal following breast augmentation. Most patients will experience slight soreness and swelling for a few weeks after their procedure. In many cases, patients can resume low-impact activities like driving and walking in about three days. Many women are back to performing about 80% of their normal day-to-day activities after three to four days. I recommend waiting no less than three weeks before performing more strenuous exercises like running. This timeframe too can vary from patient to patient.

For a better idea of what patients can expect following their breast augmentation surgery, check out the video below:

In order to experience a smooth recovery and achieve the best-possible results from your breast augmentation, it’s critical to follow your board-certified plastic surgeon’s pre and post-surgery instructions closely. In my personal experience, the recovery process after breast augmentation is often faster and easier than many patients might have anticipated, and the final results are well worth the wait. For more information on breast augmentation or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, at Atlanta Plastic Surgery. And follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional cosmetic surgery videos, news, tips, and more.