When Can I Exercise Again Following Plastic Surgery?

Exercising after plastic surgery

Exercise is an important part of life for many of the patients that I speak with here in my plastic surgery office during consultations. While it may not seem like a major consideration to some people, the break from working out that is required for patients while they recover from a plastic surgery procedure is a big deal to others. This is why I wanted to take a moment to address the topic of exercise after plastic surgery and provide some helpful information for future patients.

As with any other type of surgery, the body needs time to heal and build its strength back up following cosmetic surgery. The plastic surgery recovery period is essential for the patient’s health as well as promoting the best and longest-lasting results from their procedure. Rushing back to strenuous physical activity like exercise too soon after a cosmetic procedure can adversely affect a patient in both the short and long term.

Many patients ask me when they can safely begin exercising again following their surgery. However, the answer isn’t always so clean-cut. In fact, since every patient and surgery is unique, the answer will more than likely vary from person to person. Still, there are a few general tips that I offer patients to help contribute to a smooth recovery period and get them back on their feet as quickly as possible:

  • Follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions about what to do before and after surgery as closely as possible. If any of the instructions are unclear to you, it’s important to reach out to your surgeon for clarity.
  • Walking during your first week following surgery is highly recommended. Doing so can help promote healthy blood circulation and prevent potential blood clotting.
  • Take it slow when you begin exercising again. Easing your body back into your normal routine is a far healthier approach than trying to do too much too soon. I suggest taking things week by week, and paying attention to how you feel as you exercise to make sure you aren’t putting too much stress on your body. Speak with your surgeon before beginning any more strenuous exercises or heavy lifting.

I understand that some people may want to get back to the gym after their surgery, but patience is important. Properly resting after plastic surgery and not rushing back into exercise can pay major dividends down the line. For more information or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for additional cosmetic surgery tips, news, practice updates, and more.