Why Are The Eyes Such a Priority For Plastic Surgery Patients?

In my many years of performing cosmetic surgery procedures, I have seen quite a few aesthetic trends come and go. Like trends in clothing and style, it makes sense for people’s preferences in what they expect from cosmetic surgery to change over time. However, there are certain things that have remained constant. One such thing is the demand for eyelid surgery for both male and female patients. I wanted to discuss why rejuvenating the eyes has remained such a priority for plastic surgery patients through the years.

The eyes are an extremely prominent facial feature and often the first thing other people notice when they look at us. They are also very susceptible to noticeable signs of aging like wrinkles, lines, bags, pockets of excess fat, and more. Aging in the area around the eyes can go a long way towards making someone look old before their time. Additionally, eyelid surgery has remained so in-demand for a very long time because it is not seen as a “transformational” procedure. Many patients appreciate how subtle and natural-looking eyelid surgery results that I am able to help them attain.

In the following video, I discuss the results that eyelid surgery can help my patients achieve and why this procedure has remained so popular for so long:

There’s a reason why I perform so many eyelid surgery procedures every year. If you think that you might be a good candidate for eyelid surgery, your first step is consulting with a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine whether the procedure is the right choice for your aesthetic needs. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow along with me on Facebook for additional plastic surgery tips, news, videos, and more.