Facial Rejuvenation with Fat Transfer Injections

Although many people think of fat transfer injections as a body contouring procedure, the truth is that fat transfer is among the most versatile cosmetic treatments that I perform. I am able to utilize fat transfer injections to help patients who experience natural or premature signs of facial aging. This provides an effective, all-natural alternative to other cosmetic injectable treatments like facial fillers that appeals to many patients.

At my practice, fat transfer injections for the face can help address many of the most common aesthetic imperfections that people experience. They can be used to add plumpness and vitality for the lips. Fat transfer can effectively treat deep grooves that run from the nose to the corners of the mouth or lines that appear between the lower eyelid and the cheek. For people who experience a sunken appearance in their cheeks, this treatment can provide natural volume that has been lost over time.

Check out the following video where I discuss the many ways fat transfer injections can be used to help patients refresh and rejuvenate the appearance of their face:

Regardless of the nature of my patient’s aesthetic concern, I always try to offer as many safe and effective options as possible to help ensure that everyone finds the most helpful treatment for their needs. To learn more about the facial rejuvenation procedures that I perform, or to schedule a consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, at Atlanta Plastic Surgery. You can also follow along with me on Facebook and Twitter for additional tips, news, videos, and much more.