What To Do About Excess Fat Around the Waist

As a board-certified plastic surgeon, I perform body contouring surgery that is meant to help both men and women who are not satisfied with a particular aspect of their appearance. The waist is one of the most common problem areas that many plastic surgery patients tend to focus on. As we age, it’s natural for excess fat (and sometimes loose skin) to accumulate around the waistline. This can lead to an unshapely and unsatisfying physique. And while diet and exercise alone may not be able to help in some cases, undergoing cosmetic surgery can be incredibly helpful for removing excess fat from the waistline.

No matter if this excess waist fat is caused by genetic factors, lifestyle habits, or anything else, undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure can help patients achieve a more trim and healthy-looking waistline. Depending on the specific needs of each individual patient, I may recommend liposuction or tummy tuck surgery (or both) to help my patients achieve the aesthetic result that they are seeking. Liposuction can be an excellent alternative for patients who are only dealing with an accumulation of stubborn, diet-resistant fat in the waist or abdominal area. A tummy tuck is designed to help those who also experience loose skin around their abdomen, as well as damaged abdominal muscles that cause the appearance of a “belly pooch.”

Check out the video below, where I discuss in detail how cosmetic surgery for the waist can significantly improve a person’s appearance and self-confidence:

I understand how frustrating it can be for many people to effectively address the waist and abdominal area. However, cosmetic surgery can be just what you need to help look and feel your best about your body. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today to learn more and see if you are a candidate, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Don’t forget to follow along with me on Facebook for additional plastic surgery tips, videos, news, and more.