5 Ways to Lessen Swelling & Bruising While Getting Optimal Plastic Surgery Results

Board-certified plastic and reconstructive surgeon Dr. Franklyn Elliott performs a wide-ranging variety of procedures from quite literally top to bottom. From lifting the forehead to liposuctioning the ankles, Dr. Elliott provides a comprehensive list of procedures and treatments to address your every cosmetic need.

dr. frank elliottAn essential part of any treatment is a healthy recovery. Not properly taking care of yourself after surgery can lead to easily avoidable setbacks. During your recovery period, Dr. Elliott is very watchful of swelling, as excessive swelling can lead to complications, such as incision breakdown or infection from open wounds. Below, find five ways to lessen swelling, bruising, and tenderness during recovery and accelerate on the road to healing.

  1. Start your healing preparation before surgery. Implement healthy eating and consistent exercise into your lifestyle weeks or even months prior to plastic surgery. Maintaining optimal health will aid in the healing process after surgery.
  2. Use nutrition to your advantage. Certain foods including apples, citrus fruits, and leafy greens that have anti-inflammatory properties can be incorporated into your diet after surgery.
  3. Practice RICE. The classic pneumonic device RICE applies to your plastic surgery as well: Rest, Ice, Compression, Elevation. In your post-operative care instructions, Dr. Elliott will cover the exact ways these methods should be practiced for an all-encompassing recuperation.
  4. Have a full disclosure policy with Dr. Elliott. To ensure excessive bleeding or swelling does not occur, disclose all medications (even aspirin, which can increase bruising) with Dr. Elliott. Full disclosure is very beneficial to prevent any unwanted side effects during your surgery.
  5. Stop smoking, if only temporarily. Put down the cigarettes after plastic surgery. Reduced oxygen supply has the potential to cause improper healing of the skin, affecting the outcome of your surgery.

Remember that bruising and swelling is a completely normal part of the healing process and occurs with nearly every surgery. With proper care, you’ll be seeing your desired results in no time. If you are interested in a procedure from Dr. Elliott, please contact us for a consultation. Connect with Dr. Elliott on FacebookTwitter, and Google + for the latest cosmetic and reconstructive plastic surgery news and information.