Why is Fat Around the Waist So Hard to Shed?

Maintaining a trim, shapely waistline can become more challenging with every passing year. Even for those of us who go to great lengths to eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly, fat around the waist can still accumulate as we age. This stubborn, diet-resistant fat can remain, even as you notice other areas of the body reacting to your healthier habits.

While this can be incredibly frustrating, it’s important to remember that the circumstances that lead to excess fat around the waist can be out of your control. Both men and women experience a decline in their metabolic rate as they age, leading to more fat in certain areas of the body. Additionally, hormonal changes that women experience as a result of menopause can make it especially difficult to lose weight from the abdominal area. During menopause, production of estrogen and progesterone slow down at a much higher rate than testosterone. This hormone imbalance causes many women to carry extra weight around their bellies.

For those who struggle to shed this unwanted fat around their waist, cosmetic surgery can help. Whether you experience a small amount of persistent fat around the waist or a belly “pooch” that emerges after pregnancy or weight fluctuation, body contouring procedures like a tummy tuck or liposuction may be able to provide the aesthetic improvements you seek. During a tummy tuck, excess skin and fat are removed from the abdomen and the abdominal muscles are tightened to help the patient achieve a flatter abdomen. Liposuction can also be a very precise way to reduce unwanted patches of fat from the waist area. Check out the video below where I explain how I use cosmetic surgery to treat excess fat around the waist:

Just because some excess fat around the waist cannot be treated with diet and exercise alone doesn’t mean you have to be stuck with it. Cosmetic surgery can provide a great opportunity to rejuvenate your appearance by successfully trimming your physique. For more information on cosmetic surgery or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for even more videos, tips, and cosmetic surgery news.