Why Does Fat Accumulate Around My Waist?

The natural process of aging can have its effects on our bodies and their appearance. It’s true that aging affects every part of a person’s body, however, some areas on the human body are more susceptible to these changes than others. The waistline is one such area. It can be downright impossible to maintain a trim, shapely waistline over time. But why is this? 

Eating an unhealthy diet including a lot of sugar and trans fats can lead to excess fat around the abdomen. The same is true for people who aren’t physically active. However, some factors that lead to fat around the waist may be out of a person’s control. For some people, even those that exercise regularly and maintain an otherwise healthy lifestyle, the accumulation of fat around the waist and belly can be unavoidable. It’s natural for a person’s metabolism to decrease as they age, leading to more fat in certain areas including the waist. Genetic factors including certain types of bacteria found in the gut can lead to excess fat in this area. Some women may also experience excess fat around their waist as a result of a lack of estrogen after menopause. 

Regardless of the cause of this aesthetic concern, undergoing a cosmetic surgery procedure can help provide a more defined, thinner waistline. I perform different body contouring procedures including liposuction and tummy tuck surgery to help patients who are interested in addressing this specific area. Liposuction can be an excellent option for patients who are dealing with stubborn, excess fat. A tummy tuck makes more sense for those who also experience loose skin around their abdomen and/or damaged abdominal muscles that cause the appearance of a “belly pooch.” 

In the video below, I discuss in-detail how cosmetic surgery can help people who seek to remove excess fat from their waist area:

I understand that it can be frustrating to produce a shapelier waistline with diet and exercise alone. That’s why I’m always happy to help patients who seek assistance rejuvenating this area and achieving the slimmer physique they desire. For more information on cosmetic surgery or if you would like to schedule a consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for additional videos, tips, news, and more.