Tips to Help You Recover After Cosmetic Breast Surgery

In many cases when speaking with prospective cosmetic surgery patients at consultations, many of them are actually more nervous about their recovery period after surgery than about the procedure itself. For women undergoing a cosmetic breast surgery like breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction, post-surgery recovery is very important. Not only is a smooth recovery crucial to rebuilding your strength after surgery, the recovery period can also partially determine the long-term aesthetic results of your procedure.

After your cosmetic breast procedure, it’s normal to experience some discomfort and activity restrictions. When patients ask me what they can expect from their recovery period, the answer is not so clear cut. Every patient is different, and your post-surgical recovery may depend on several factors including your anatomy, the specifics of your procedure, your medical history, and more. However, the following tips should be applicable to any patient trying to recover smoothly following a cosmetic breast procedure:

  • Plan for assistance including rides to and from your surgery and post-surgical appointments.
  • Make sure to have help available for necessary daily tasks like driving, shopping, childcare, etc.
  • Manage your pain responsibly and take available pain medication when you need it.
  • Allowing yourself to be in pain after surgery can raise your blood pressure and increase your risk for complications while recovering.
  • During your first week of recovery, avoid bending over, heavy lifting, or performing any strenuous activities that can put pressure on your chest area.
  • Closely follow your board-certified plastic surgeon’s post-surgery instructions for recovery.
  • Make sure to attend all follow-up appointments to confirm that you are recovering smoothly.

Check out the video below where I discuss what patients can typically expect during their recovery from cosmetic breast surgery:

In my personal experience, many patients find that their recovery is actually much quicker and easier than they had initially anticipated. The recovery period after cosmetic surgery may not be anyone’s idea of fun, but it is critical for any patient trying to achieve the very best results from their surgery. To learn more about cosmetic surgery or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for even more videos, tips, news, and more.