Ask Dr. Elliott: The Benefits of Breast Lift Surgery


Breast lift surgery has been a mainstay in the world of cosmetic surgery for decades. This is largely due to the procedure’s ability to help all women, regardless of their figure. It’s only natural for the breasts to experience some degree of stretched skin and breast sagging as the years go on.  This is especially true for women who have experienced considerable weight fluctuation. Breast lift surgery can help by improving the firmness and positioning of the breasts. To help demonstrate the impact that a breast lift can have, I have answered a few commonly asked questions about breast lift surgery.

Question #1: How do I choose between breast augmentation and breast lift surgery?

These two procedures are the two most commonly performed plastic surgery procedures for the breasts, however, they help in very different ways. Breast augmentation is designed to help women enhance their breasts by increasing breast size and volume. Breast lift surgery isn’t focused on size, but breast positioning and perkiness. In many cases, women who choose to undergo breast augmentation will combine their surgery with a breast lift to achieve even more comprehensive results.

Question #2: Is there such a thing as a non-surgical breast lift?

Unfortunately not. Some products or treatments may promise breast lifting without surgery, but these are not effective and should not be trusted. When performed by an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon, breast lift surgery is a proven and safe method for lifting breasts. The post-surgery recovery is often quite straightforward and faster than many women may realize.

Question #3: Will undergoing a breast lift affect my ability to get mammograms in the future?

No, your ability to successfully undergo mammograms to detect breast cancer will not be compromised by undergoing a breast lift. I strongly recommend for my patients to get a mammogram before a breast lift to have as a baseline reference. Regular annual mammograms will still be required following any cosmetic breast surgery.

If you think that a breast lift is the right cosmetic procedure for your aesthetic needs, the first step is consulting with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon like myself. For more information on breast lift surgery or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook for additional cosmetic surgery tips, news, and much more.