How to Minimize Scarring after Cosmetic Breast Surgery

Visible scarring after surgery can be a deterrent to some patients considering cosmetic breast surgery. There is a common fear that surgical scars will linger and negatively affect the aesthetic results of the procedure. It’s true that cosmetic breast surgeries like breast augmentation and breast reduction involve making incisions to the skin, which means some degree of scarring is inevitable. However, many patients are surprised to find out how minimal post-surgery scarring is after cosmetic breast surgery. Additionally, there are ways to reduce the visibility of scarring after your procedure. I recommend taking the following steps:

  • Keep your incision area clean and well-dressed. Follow your plastic surgeon’s instructions on how to bandage and clean your surgical area.
  • Don’t tamper with your scars. It can be tempting to scratch or pick at your incision sites following surgery, but this can affect your healing and lead to potential complications or infections.
  • Be mindful of the sun. Overexposure to the sun’s UV rays can increase the visibility of post-surgical scarring. Protect your scar from direct sunlight and wear sunscreen when you are outdoors after your surgery.
  • Do not smoke. Smoking and other forms of nicotine can make the blood vessels constrict. This can negatively affect the body’s ability to recover following your procedure and worsen visible scarring. You should avoid smoking for several weeks before surgery as well as several weeks after surgery.
  • I usually recommend applying vitamin E and/or Aloe vera to the healed scars. However you may also consider silicone gel sheeting. Also known as “silicone scar sheets,” these silicone-based bandages can help some patients reduce visible scarring after surgery simply by applying them to the area in need.

In the video below, I discuss the degree of scarring patients can expect following their cosmetic breast procedure:

The first and most important step to reduce scarring from cosmetic breast surgery is to find an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon to perform your procedure. In my decades of performing cosmetic surgery for the breasts, I have honed techniques that can help minimize the amount of visible scarring that a patient will experience following their procedure. For more information or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. Don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for additional videos, tips, practice updates, and more.