How Can I Maintain My Cosmetic Surgery Results Over Time?

One of the most reassuring things I often tell my patients during plastic surgery consultations is that, in most cases, the results achieved with cosmetic surgery are meant to be long-lasting. In addition to wanting to look your best for as long as you can, cosmetic surgery is also an investment of time, energy, and financial resources. It’s only natural to want the most out of it. This is why I wanted to discuss how patients can successfully maintain their cosmetic surgery results over time.

Plastic surgery implantsWhile this can vary depending on the specific cosmetic procedure performed and the details of each individual case, there are some universal recommendations I would make to any patient trying to ensure that the results of their cosmetic surgery last as long as possible:

  • Maintain a Healthy Lifestyle. In the case of body contouring procedures like liposuction, tummy tuck surgery, and arm lift surgery, it’s critical to keep up positive lifestyle habits to help promote long-lasting results. Natural aging over time may lead to some degree of stretched skin and stubborn fat in the years following surgery, but eating a healthy, low-fat diet and prioritizing regular exercise can absolutely help maintain the results achieved with surgery. Additionally, avoiding smoking and other tobacco and nicotine products will also be incredibly helpful in this regard.
  • Prioritize Sun Protection. The Sun’s UV rays are incredibly powerful and can negatively affect a patient’s skin after any anti-aging procedure. This includes facial procedures like facelift and eyelid surgery, as well as surgeries to address the arms, chest, and any other routinely exposed area. UV rays can damage the skin’s support structures and lead to lax, sagging skin, as well as changes to the skin’s texture. A great habit to get into is applying broad-spectrum SPF sunblock and wearing protective clothing and hats any time you will be outdoors for an extended period.
  • Don’t Forget About Follow-Up Care. Following up with your plastic surgery is extremely helpful when it comes to maintaining plastic surgery results over time. This includes the initial post-procedure follow-up appointment to ensure that everything is healing properly, as well as occasional appointments in the following years to confirm the status of the results and address any new concerns. In some cases, occasional touch-up treatments including cosmetic injectable treatments may be able to help patients extend their results even further.

I understand that this may sound like a lot of work to some people, but in my experience, patients tell me that it is more than worth it. Patients owe it to themselves to do what they can to get the maximum out of their cosmetic surgery experience. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow along with me on Facebook for additional plastic surgery tips, news, and much more.