Frequently Asked Questions About Male Breast Reduction Surgery

Male breast enlargement can be a source of considerable stress and embarrassment for guys of all ages. Many male patients that I speak with tell me that they have tried to reduce their breast enlargement by watching their weight and performing chest exercises, but with no success. This is because true gynecomastia, a common condition that causes male breast enlargement, is caused by an excess of glandular breast tissue that cannot be shed with diet and exercise alone.

Chest Liposuction or Male Breast ReductionFor any guy seeking a solution to this issue, male breast reduction surgery can help. During male breast reduction, I am able to treat gynecomastia by removing the excess breast tissue (as well as excess skin and fat in certain cases) that causes the breasts to appear larger. For any patient still on the fence about male breast reduction, I have answered a few commonly asked questions about the procedure and how it can help men achieve a more toned, masculine appearance:

Can Gynecomastia be treated with liposuction?

In some cases, men or boys with an excess of fat around their chest can successfully reduce breast enlargement with liposuction. However, for others who experience true gynecomastia, only male breast reduction will be able to provide them the results they desire.

How much scarring will there be after Male Breast Reduction?

The amount of visible scarring a patient experiences after male breast reduction may vary from patient to patient. During surgery, I work to make the incisions in areas that blend in with the natural creases of the chest to conceal any post-surgery scars. Closely following all of your plastic surgeon’s post-surgical instructions can also help minimize long-term scarring. In my experience, most guys are very satisfied with their results despite any visible scarring.

How long will the results of Male Breast Reduction last?

One of the things patients love most about male breast reduction is that the results are intended to be extremely long-lasting. Since male breast reduction removes the excess breast tissue, the results from your procedure can last a lifetime in some cases. However, in order to maintain the best-possible results as the years go on, it’s very important to follow your post-surgery instructions closely. Abusing steroids or recreational drugs like marijuana, as well as certain medical conditions, can lead to a recurrence of gynecomastia.

After many years of working with male plastic surgery patients, I have witnessed firsthand emotional toll gynecomastia can take. Male breast reduction provides an opportunity for guys to achieve a truly life-changing improvement to their appearance. A consultation with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon is required first to discuss your specific issues and determine if male breast reduction surgery is right for you. For more information or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook and Twitter for even more plastic surgery tips, photos, and news.