Ask Dr. Elliott: What to Know Before Thigh Lift Surgery

For many people, as the years go on, maintaining the appearance of our upper legs can prove difficult. Stubborn, diet-resistant fat can accumulate on the thighs, making the legs look heavier, older, and less fit than many of us would prefer. Additionally, excess sagging skin on the thighs that results from major weight fluctuation, weight loss surgery, or general aging can also negatively affect the appearance of your legs and impact your overall body image. For those who have struggled to tone their thighs with diet and exercise alone, thigh lift surgery can be an excellent solution. Thigh lift surgery (or thighplasty) can help patients refine their upper leg area by surgically removing excess fat, skin, and tissue. I have taken time to answer some common questions about thigh lift surgery to help patients who are considering this outstanding cosmetic procedure.

What to Expect after a Thigh LiftQuestion #1: How do I determine which type of thigh lift will be most beneficial for my aesthetic needs?

There are several methods in which a thigh lift can be performed. The most common of these is a medial thigh lift. During a medial thigh lift, an incision is made in the inner thigh area to help patients who experience significant excess skin along the inner thigh. Other common thigh lift techniques include the lateral thigh lift and the mini thigh lift for patients who only experience sagging skin and tissue in the upper third of their leg. Determining which thigh lift method will best address your aesthetic concerns requires a consultation with an experienced, board-certified plastic surgeon.

Question #2: How much recovery time is required after a thigh lift?

The time it takes you to recover following your thigh lift depends on the type of thigh lift procedure you undergo as well as your anatomy and healing ability. Generally speaking, most patients can resume most of their normal daily activities (including returning to work) within two to three weeks after their surgery. However, it’s important not to put too much stress on your legs in the weeks following your procedure, as this can negatively impact the results of your thigh lift. Smoking and other forms of nicotine can also affect your body’s ability to heal following surgery. After six to eight weeks, patients can normally return to more strenuous exercise routines.

Question #3: How long will my thigh lift results last?

Thigh lift results are intended to be long-lasting. As long as you maintain a stable, healthy bodyweight following your procedure, the results of your thigh lift can last for several years. In order to promote the best, longest-lasting results from your surgery, it’s important to closely follow your plastic surgeon’s post-surgery instructions and attend regular follow-up appointments.

I hope you found these answers informative. For anyone struggling with the appearance of their thighs, a thigh lift can provide a safe and effective path to the trimmer, healthier-looking legs that you desire. For more information on thigh lift surgery or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. And don’t forget to follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for additional cosmetic surgery tips, videos, news, and more.