What Type of Tummy Tuck is Right for Me?

As we approach the new year, now is as good a time as ever to try to turn over a new leaf by rejuvenating your appearance. The abdomen is a common area of concern for both men and women, especially as we age. It’s natural for the skin of our abdominal area to become loose and stretched over time as a result of weight fluctuation or natural aging. This is especially true for women who have been pregnant in the past. Tummy tuck (or abdominoplasty) can help by safely removing this lax, excess skin to provide a flatter, healthier-looking abdomen. However, many patients who are interested in a tummy tuck don’t realize that there are different variations of this procedure to choose from. I highlight three of them below.

tummy tuck atlanta georgiaFull Tummy Tuck

A full tummy tuck (also known as a traditional tummy tuck) is the most commonly-performed variety of this procedure. During a full tummy tuck, an incision is made from one hipbone to the other, typically low enough so that it can be concealed under most bathing suits and undergarments. This surgery is intended to help patients who wish to improve areas both above and below the navel. In addition to removing stretched skin and fat, I am also able to repair loosened or separated abdominal muscles that form the appearance of a “pooch” (a common issue for women after pregnancy). The navel is sometimes repositioned during a full tummy tuck.

Mini Tummy Tuck

Unlike a full tummy tuck, a mini tummy tuck is specifically intended to help patients who need or prefer less extensive body contouring. A mini tummy tuck is exclusively meant to rejuvenate the area below the navel. The incision made during a mini tummy tuck is smaller than that of a full tummy tuck. This means the procedure time is typically shorter and less downtime is needed for recovery. The location of the navel is not altered during a mini tummy tuck. Muscle repair is not typically part of a mini tummy tuck.

Extended Tummy Tuck

An extended tummy tuck uses a wider horizontal incision to help address the flanks (or love handles) as well as the abdominal area. This version of the tummy tuck is common for people who have experienced a considerable amount of weight loss and need skin removed from a wider area of their body to achieve the appearance they desire. The navel is repositioned to higher position during an extended tummy tuck. Repair of the abdominal muscles can be included if required.

Whichever tummy tuck is the best choice for you depends on your personal preferences as well as the extent of abdominal repair that you need. During a tummy tuck consultation, I will discuss all of these methods in-depth to help my patient understand their options and make the best-possible choice regarding their procedure. For more information or to schedule a tummy tuck consultation, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow us on Facebook and Twitter for additional cosmetic surgery tips, news, and more.