The Many Causes of Enlarged Breasts in Men

Gynecomastia, a condition that causes enlargement of the male breast, affects men and boys of all ages. Despite a common misconception, gynecomastia is not caused by carrying excess bodyfat. Instead, the condition occurs as a direct result of an overabundance of glandular breast tissue. This is why diet and exercise alone cannot be used to successfully treat men with gynecomastia. Although this extra breast tissue is caused by circumstances out of the patient’s control, there are certain habits and lifestyle choices that can increase a man’s chances of developing gynecomastia. I have highlighted some of the most common causes of gynecomastia to help guys understand what they can do to lower their risk.

Natural Hormone Fluctuation

Although estrogen is commonly thought of as an exclusively female hormone, men also produce it in much smaller quantities. Elevated estrogen levels that may occur as a result of natural aging in some men can alter your hormonal balance and lead to gynecomastia.

Reaction to Certain Medications & Recreational Drugs

Taking certain medications can also contribute to the development of excess breast tissue. This may include antibiotics, cancer treatments like chemotherapy, antidepressants, and medicines used to prevent heart disease, high blood pressure, or prostate issues. Additionally, abusing recreational drugs like alcohol, marijuana, heroin, and amphetamines, as well as anabolic steroids has also been linked to male breast enlargement.

Some Health Conditions

Men who experience health conditions like liver or kidney failure, tumors, and hyperthyroidism may also be more susceptible to gynecomastia. Malnutrition, including obesity or starvation, can decrease the amount of testosterone in the body, leading to a hormone imbalance.

Despite what some companies may advertise, there are no supplements, medications, or topicals that can effectively help men with gynecomastia reduce their breast size. For men who suffer from gynecomastia, male breast reduction surgery is the only true solution. Male breast reduction involves surgically removing excess glandular tissue, fat, and occasionally skin from the breast area. In the video below, I discuss male breast reduction and how it can help men with gynecomastia achieve a flatter, more masculine chest contour they desire.

While it’s true that gynecomastia may not pose a serious concern to a man’s health, the emotional effects of it can still take a toll. As a double board-certified plastic surgeon with 35 years of experience performing male breast reduction procedures, I have seen firsthand how this surgery can provide men with a healthier body image and increased self-esteem. If you would like to learn more about male breast reduction surgery, contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott, today to schedule a plastic surgery consultation. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and Google+ for additional tips, videos, news, and more from the world of cosmetic surgery.