Ask Dr. Elliott: How Can a Breast Lift Help Me?

What does it mean for a woman to enhance her breasts? For some people, the term “breast enhancement” may be synonymous with increasing the size of the breasts with implants. However, many women are satisfied with their breast size and are primarily concerned with altering the firmness and positioning of their breasts. This is why breast lift surgery is so consistently in-demand. A breast lift can be an ideal solution for women who experience breast sagging that results from pregnancy, breastfeeding, weight fluctuation, or the effects of gravity over time. To help prospective patients have a fuller understanding of how this procedure can help, I have answered a few common questions that I have received over my decades of performing breast lifts.

Ask Dr. Elliott What is the Difference Between a Breast Reduction and Breast LiftQuestion #1: Can chest exercises help treat breast sagging?

Chest exercises can help build strength in your pectoral muscles, but they will not be able to lift or reposition sagging breasts. Unfortunately, the fat you are able to burn during your exercises will have no impact on the stretched, excess skin and tissue that is causing your breast sagging. Undergoing breast lift surgery is the only known way to effectively lift the breasts to a higher, younger-looking position.

Question #2: Will a breast lift also change the size of my breasts?

This is not a result that breast lift patients should count on. Although skin is removed from the breast area during a breast lift, the difference in breast size after the procedure is typically minimal. For women who wish to achieve larger or smaller breasts in addition to their breast lift results, the surgery can be combined with breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery in many cases. However, it’s important to consult with a board-certified plastic surgeon first to confirm that combining these procedures is an option for you.

Question #3: How long will the results of my breast lift last?

A breast lift can help you achieve a new, more youthful breast contour, but it cannot stop the natural aging process entirely. However, patients who follow their post-surgical instructions carefully can successfully maintain the results of their procedure for many years. Certain changes to the body that occur due to weight fluctuation or becoming pregnant can negatively affect the results of your breast lift, so it’s wise to wait until you are finished having children before undergoing your surgery.

Having confidence in the positioning and feel of your breasts is a crucial part of feeling good about your overall appearance. If you experience breast sagging, undergoing breast lift surgery can be an excellent way to establish a new, improved breast contour and boost your self-esteem. If you would like to learn more about breast lift surgery or to schedule a plastic surgery consultation today, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow me on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube for cosmetic surgery tips, news, videos, and more.