What to Know Before Traveling for Plastic Surgery

person-pulling-travel-luggageFor plastic surgery patients, receiving the best possible plastic surgery results and overall experience is important enough to justify some traveling. While my practice is local to the metro Atlanta area, I have hosted patients from all over Georgia, and from the rest of the country, who have found our office via word of mouth, online, or elsewhere. While we always do everything we can to accommodate our out of town patients, there are certain things that anyone traveling for plastic surgery needs to be aware of in advance.

To begin, I wanted to discuss the difference between traveling domestically for plastic surgery and leaving the country to have a procedure performed. International plastic surgery, or plastic surgery tourism as some experts call it, can pose significant risks for patients. While some patients may see the appeal of lower surgical costs in other countries, the relaxed standards in safety measures and surgical expertise are not worth taking a chance on. Not to mention other inconveniences like not having access to your doctor for follow-up appointments.

I have provided this out of town patient guide to help anyone outside the Atlanta area who is considering visiting my office to have their plastic or reconstructive procedure performed. In it patients will find helpful advice, a step-by-step guide of how to proceed, and a link to check out nearby hotels in order to comfortably recover following their surgery.

On a basic level, all patients who are considering traveling here for a plastic surgery need to prepare the following:

  • Travel arrangements including airfare, hotel, and rides to and from their procedure
  • Scheduling a video consultation from home with the plastic surgeon you are planning to travel to
  • Planning around an in-person pre-surgery consultation appointment, as well as pre-surgery medical testing and any prescription medications you will need

The safety, comfort, and long-term happiness of my patients is always the most important thing for me and my entire medical team. No matter where our patient is visiting us from, we do everything in our power to make every step of our patient’s plastic surgery journey as simple and patiently-friendly as possible. For more information or if you would like to schedule a plastic surgery consultation, please contact me, Dr. Franklyn Elliott. You can also follow along with me on Facebook for additional plastic surgery tips, news, and much more.